Workers’ Compensation for Repetitive Stress Injuries: Your Guide to Claims and Benefits
When you think about workplace injuries, what often comes to mind are the dramatic falls or accidents, right? But did you know that repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) are just as common and can be just as debilitating? From typing away at a keyboard to assembling products on an assembly line, many of us unknowingly put our bodies under strain every single day. These injuries sneak up on you, turning small discomforts into significant obstacles that can interfere with your work and daily life. It’s crucial for employees to recognize these risks and understand their rights, not only to safeguard their health but also to secure the benefits they deserve if an injury occurs. Let's dive into how workers’ compensation can help those affected by these lesser-known yet widespread injuries. Workers' Compensation for repetitive stress injuries provides benefits to employees who suffer from work-related injuries caused by repetitive motions, covering medical…