California’s Comparative Negligence: Understanding Bike Accident Claims
Biking is a fantastic way to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and reduce your carbon footprint. But what happens when the unexpected strikes, and a bike accident occurs? Understanding how California’s laws work when it comes to bike accident claims can feel like navigating a maze filled with twists and turns. That’s why knowing about comparative negligence is crucial for cyclists—it's about protecting your rights and ensuring you get the compensation you deserve if you're involved in an accident. In this article, we'll break down these important legal concepts into easy-to-understand chunks, so you can ride confidently, aware of your options should anything go wrong. California's comparative negligence law allows for the degree of fault to be assigned to each party involved in a bike accident, which can affect the amount of compensation awarded. For example, if a cyclist is deemed 25% at fault for an accident and the total…